Rhodes College Cubesat with NASA
September 2021 - May 2022Developer
• Supported the development of the Cube Satellite in collaboration with NASA to collect data on solar
activities including solar flares
• Designed flight software to make micro-adjustments to navigate the satellite using the onboard
electromagnet; developed using C
• Optimized flight software to use 32MB of RAM and 1MB of flash storage
• Implemented the flight software using NASA’s specifications and rigorous testing methods
Rhodes College IT
May 2021 - May 2023IT Specialist
• Collected data on instructors’ use of the learning management software, Canvas, and designed templates, that increased Canvas usage to 80%
• Debugged and resolved issues in networking, software, and email client
• Assisted instructors in the creation of better and more manageable web pages for their class
January 2019 - presentTutor/Teacher
● Tutored Mathematics and Computer Science Online (May - August 2022, May - October 2023)
● Tutored Mathematics and Computer Science at Rhodes College (Jan 2021 - May 2023)
● Taught Guitar and entry-level music theory (March 2019 - Feb 2020)
● Taught O-level Mathematics and Additional Mathematics (Jan 2019 - Dec 2019)