Independent tutor
January 2019 - presentIndependent tutor
Full time tutor (>2000 hrs/year) of math, physics, statistics, chemistry, and business to students in high school, college, and professionals.
GeneKey Corp
January 2010 - January 2019Founder, President, and Chief Scientist
Started a company to understand the causes of an individual patient's cancer at the molecular level and thereby identify the best treatment approach for them (when standard approaches failed).
CollabRx, Inc
March 2008 - January 2010Cofounder and Head of Personalized Oncology Services
Started company to provide services to biomedically oriented foundations and to work with patients with late stage cancer.
Lehrer Consulting LLC
January 2007 - March 2008President
Consulted to start up companies and venture capital firms in the diagnostics and biotech industries.
Gene Logic Inc
April 2002 - January 2007Executive Director, Business Development and Strategic Alliances
Focused on serving pharmaceutical industry via RNA -based data and technologies, including finding new indications for drugs that had failed clinical trials due to lack of efficacy.
The Boston Consulting Group
October 1999 - February 2002Consultant
Consultant primarily to the biotech / pharmaceutical industry in strategy and operations.