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USD $45/hr

7 years of tutoring


Nairobi, Kenya

Joseph V.


Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology

Learning requires patience while studying & research requires effort. All the three cases results to excellence academic performance. Whereas, unnecessary forces may distorts knowledge gained.

Managerial Economics ,Bookkeeping ,Accounting ,Managerial Accounting ,Business Statistics ,Business analysis Payroll Accounting Payroll Benefits How I work **You share course outline or i develop one **Make discussion tutoring presentation using ppt **Guide student through the assignments **Revise and review work **Allow time for questions and answer plus 15 minutes free **I Send a webcam webinar after the session **I upload the done work for discussion and share screen during the session NB As a tutor am available to instruct you in areas you're struggling with, listen to your needs, and provide any answers or guidance. All assignments and research work must be paid for No refunds

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Subjects: AP Macroeconomics, Actuarial Science, Agricultural Economics, Bookkeeping, Business Analysis, Econometrics, Economics, Exam & Study Mentoring, Internet of Things (IoT), Interview Preparation, LinkedIn, Managerial accounting, Microeconomics, Set Theory, VIRTUAL ASSISSTANT

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