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USD $35/hr

20 years of tutoring

English, French

Toronto, Canada

Eric M.


University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston

Statistics anxiety? Ph.D. level statistician and epidemiologist uses proven methods to increase understanding and increase confidence.

I have been a professor at two universities and have years of tutoring students for undergraduate and graduate statistics and epidemiology courses. A highly rated and empathetic teacher realizing that the anxiety that many students feel when confronted with statistics is out of proportion to the difficulty of the subject. I am very conscious of the discomfort of the student and emphasize getting a solid understanding of key concepts rather than the mathematical details. I have developed a criminal legal analogy (published in the Medical Teacher Journal) for statistical testing that has proven highly successful at emphasizing deep understanding of statistical concepts. I have advised many students on statistical, design and interpretative issues for their research papers and theses.

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Subjects: AP Statistics, Analytical Epidemiology, Biostatistics I, Biostatistics II, Critical Thinking, Epidemiology, Research Methods, Statistics, research papers

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